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Fear of Failure Podcasts
Fear of Failure Podcasts

Stealing Ostrich Eggs
The birds arrived in early December, their presence changed things a lot. Each evening large booming calls of the males punctuated the night

Down and Dirty in the Milking Parlor
“Dr. Walton moved to Corona with the dairies. I called his office to see if I could be a tag along. The first day I shadowed him he took me

Rectal Palpation
Doc’s routine starts after the morning shift when the cows are left in their stanchions inside the milking barn. Doc put his long, plastic s

Jugular Catheterization
The work habits I learned in my previous rotations came back to plague me in my Equine Surgery rotation.

“How’s Zoe doing Honey?” Rory asked when he walked through the surgery door. He heard the steady beep, beep, beep of the respiratory...
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