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Fear of Failure Podcasts
Fear of Failure Podcasts
Teepee Paraphanelia
Katie followed Crowbear to the central tepee. It was the tallest one and twice as big as the others. Following divine dictates, the door...
Pumpkin, the Icteric Kitty
The next morning Rory came in late because he was still learning the art of performing an intravenous drip on himself. Honey met him at...
Left Displaced Abomasum
Surgery is needed when the cow's fourth stomach rotates to an abnormal position. Start thinking of a left displaced abomasum if you hear...
Cow Tipping Secrets
Below is an excerpt from Yéiitsoh Omen Chapter10 when Rory flips a cow upside down to perform a stomach surgery. “What to do Doc?” “We...
Dinosaur Tracks
"Hi Katie,” Rory said over the phone. “I'm leaving Flagstaff in a few minutes. I'll be there in an hour and a half. Where can I meet...
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